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3 Common Questions About A Contractor Marketing Agency

Transparent Answers To Questions We Get From Prospects

The sales process is a wonderful mix of unique and universal. While we rarely get the exact same question twice, there are three main things people want to know before they sign with a new marketing agency. Here are the three most common questions about a contractor marketing agency – and our honest answers.

Question 1.) Why are you different?

The short answer is that we’re not very different from other marketing agencies. All marketing agencies do about the same things. There are small differences like how we operate, our communication methods, or the way we use AI, but every company wants the same thing: top rankings and low costs per lead. We all want you busy.

Even the company that let you down wanted you to be successful. If they’re in marketing and don’t want that, they’re in the wrong business. They failed because they over-promised and under-delivered.

It’s an epidemic in the marketing industry. Some marketing firms think it’s as easy as putting a dollar into Google and getting five dollars out. It doesn’t work that way anymore. The slot machine closed.

It’s up to us to find the best ways for you to continue to be relevant in changing marketing conditions. We do that 3 ways.

Why do people choose LeadsNearby?

What Are Your 3 Key Differentiators?

Our differentiators include our size, our integration capabilities, and our PriMO program.

1. The Right Size: When there is something that does not meet your expectations, you have direct access to ownership. Many clients find this reassuring, especially because they are usually the decision-makers for their company. This leader-to-leader interaction is a significant time saver for everyone.

This right-size approach also helps us to communicate effectively with our clients. We have found this to be another differentiator that is well-received by the people who sign with LeadsNearby. Communication is more valuable when you don’t just feel like a number.

2. The Right Technology: We developed our own tools, like Launch SMS and our V8 Scheduling program, because we found that existing solutions were either too expensive or not fully integrated. That’s why we made our own tools customizable and adaptable to our client’s needs at a comfortable price point.

3. The Right Data: Some marketing firms claim to have similar programs to identify high-potential service areas, but they don’t have our proprietary weighting to give you the insight that our PriMO tool provides.

Other agencies are also not as intimately aware of your industry. Because we work exclusively with home service providers, we know your sales cycles, your operational expectations, and what it takes to get you through good times and bad.


Question 2.) Do you guarantee results?

No, we do not guarantee results. Here’s why no reputable marketing agency can/should guarantee results:

  • We don’t own Google or any other search engine. Therefore we cannot guarantee their work. No one can say for sure that you’re going to show up number one for a given search term for your business.
  • We don’t own your business. As such, we can’t guarantee your actions. We will give you all the tools, insight, and support you need, but after that, it’s out of our hands. Remember, your participation is a big part of this equation.

We can guarantee that we want what you want.

We guarantee that we’re going to hold up our end of the bargain. We’re going to be available to you to come up with ideas to move the needle.

No good business can guarantee something that’s out of their control.

Do you guarantee the HVAC unit you just installed will last the customer ten years without any issues? You probably don’t because you didn’t make the unit. You aren’t the person living in the house. Can you be sure that the occupants are following safety, maintenance, or other requirements?

That’s why you only guarantee the part you can control. You can guarantee your labor, and we are happy to do that as well.


Question 3.) Who takes care of my account and how much time will they spend on it?

Once prospects understand what we can do for them and what we cannot, their next question is usually about logistics.

The amount of time spent on your account will vary depending on a few factors.

How much work you need to achieve your goals at a given time is a significant factor in how much work is being done on your account. Another factor is your level of involvement. If you call regularly with ideas and input, it will impact the amount of time spent on your objectives.

Granted, there is a point of diminishing returns to this kind of high-touch interaction, but for the most part, the more you want to do with us, the more we can do. Conversely, if we never hear from you and don’t have a current picture of where things stand for you, there are limited opportunities to help.

As for who will be handling the day-to-day work on your account, that will be divided up amongst the people best suited to your project from the eminently qualified people we have on our team.

What no marketing firm in the world is going to do is have a single person sitting and monitoring all aspects of your business around the clock. That is an internal marketing model, and even then, there are often not enough hours in the day for that level of monitoring.

We talk about the importance of partnership with our clients because that communication helps us each ensure that the other party is doing everything that needs to be done for success. That communication helps both parties catch missed opportunities when there is still a chance to fix the issue.


Make Sure You Are Ready To Be Adequately Involved In Your Marketing

If you are looking for a firm to hand your marketing over to, LeadsNearby is probably not the best fit for you. It’s the reason we went through these common questions about a contractor marketing agency – to save everyone time.

If you are interested in partnering with LeadsNearby, then you have already increased your chances of success.

No one expects you to be a perfect business, but we believe that marketing encompasses everything from the way you answer the phone to the way you communicate with clients and prospects. The clients that have done well with us are the ones who understand that we are here to help you strengthen your brand – whatever form that takes.

LeadsNearby excels at amplifying the work that you are doing.

This is important because the better your work is, the more successful you will be when we get your name shouted from the rooftops. If you don’t understand our approach and buy into this collaboration, you run the risk of being disappointed.

Call 919-758-8420 for a free consultation about your marketing strategy – or contact us online for all of your questions about a contractor marketing agency.

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Leaders In The Industry We Work With The Best

LeadsNearby provides customized and scalable marketing solutions that drive results for service providers. We work with some of the biggest names in the business and are ready to work with you.

With marketing solutions tailored to your business, our service gives you more opportunities to make money and grow your company. We also help you do business more efficiently with technological integrations that are specific to your industry.
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