1. Create a Clear and Reassuring Safety Message
Let customers know you’re ready to help. Add a simple safety message to your website, explaining the precautions your business takes. This message builds trust and reassures customers that safety is your top priority. Customer loyalty grows when people feel secure and informed.
2. Offer Video Consultations and Diagnostics
Sometimes a virtual visit is the safest option. Offer video chats for diagnosing problems or answering questions. This keeps everyone safe while maintaining high-quality service.
3. Automate Essential Deliveries
Make life easier for your customers by automating essential supplies, like HVAC filter deliveries. This keeps their systems running smoothly without the need for an in-person visit.
4. Check Employee Health and Safety
Ensure your team is healthy before they visit a customer’s home. If a technician shows symptoms of illness, have them work remotely or handle video diagnostics. The way you treat your customers is your brand.
5. Use Protective Gear During Visits
Show customers you care by using gloves, masks, and booties during in-person visits. These precautions are simple ways to demonstrate professionalism and protect everyone involved.
Effective Google Business Profiles can highlight safety measures to attract cautious customers.
6. Minimize Physical Contact
Reduce physical contact by using email authorizations, online payments, and a “no-handshake” policy. These practices keep everyone safe without sacrificing service quality.
7. Proactively Reach Out to Customers
Call customers with pending proposals to discuss safety measures and reassure them. Special offers on services can be an extra incentive.
Frequently Asked Questions About Customer Safety
How do video consultations work?
Video consultations let you connect with customers remotely. Technicians can guide homeowners through troubleshooting steps or assess issues visually.
What protective gear should technicians wear?
Technicians should wear gloves, masks, and booties to protect themselves and customers during service visits.
How can customers authorize work without physical contact?
Customers can approve work through email or digital signatures, eliminating the need for physical paperwork.