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7 Customer Data Mistakes YOU Are Making

How Can I Get More Out Of My Customer Data?

Data is a digital goldmine. To unlock its full potential, you need to properly capture, store, and use the information you collect.

Effectively managing customer data can also significantly boost your email marketing efforts.

Below are seven common customer data mistakes that home service businesses face, along with solutions to fix them.


1. Failing To Clean Data Regularly

Customer databases can quickly accumulate outdated or incorrect information, such as old phone numbers, misspelled email addresses, or duplicate entries. This not only wastes marketing resources but also negatively impacts your email deliverability score.

  • Automate data cleaning: Use tools like Insycle or Dedupely to automatically check for duplicates or outdated information.
  • Establish a data hygiene schedule: Regularly audit and clean your data to ensure accuracy.

2. Not Segmenting Customer Data

Sending the same promotional offer to all customers, regardless of whether they are new leads, repeat customers, or inactive clients, results in generic emails that may not resonate.

  • Use tags and filters: Implement tags or categories to label customers for more personalized outreach. For example, you can segment by equipment type, new leads, loyal customers, or dormant customers.

3. Not Tracking Lead Sources Accurately

Many businesses fail to track lead sources, whether they come from online ads, referrals, or direct visits. Without knowing which channels generate the most leads, you may end up wasting resources on ineffective strategies.

  • Require lead source fields: Make “lead source” a mandatory field in your CRM.
  • Leverage technology: For online ads, use UTM parameters and track phone numbers to monitor the performance of your marketing channels.

4. Lack of Data Analysis

Collecting data without regularly analyzing it prevents you from making informed business decisions. You may continue to invest in underperforming services while ignoring high-demand areas. This is one of the most common customer data mistakes!

  • Set aside time weekly: Review your reports regularly to identify trends such as service profitability, geographic demand, and customer retention. This will help you pinpoint areas that need more attention.

5. Failing to Integrate Data Across Systems

When data is stored in silos across different platforms (e.g., CRM, accounting, scheduling), it limits your ability to make informed decisions and build cohesive marketing strategies.

6. Ignoring Data on Service Requests

Service requests often reveal trends or recurring issues, but many businesses overlook this valuable data. You might send technicians to the same area without realizing there’s a broader issue that could be addressed with a more comprehensive solution.

  • Track service requests systematically: Log all service requests to identify trends and recurring issues.
  • Analyze quarterly: Review service request data every quarter. If certain problems arise repeatedly in a particular area, consider offering a special assessment or targeted campaign.

7. Ignoring Lifetime Customer Value (LCV)

Focusing solely on acquiring new customers without tracking the long-term value of each customer can lead to missed opportunities. By understanding LCV, you can invest more effectively in existing customers, who often require less marketing spend than new ones.

  • Track LCV in your CRM: Monitor metrics like revenue, service frequency, and retention to calculate each customer’s LCV.
  • Encourage long-term relationships: Run campaigns targeting existing customers, offering loyalty programs, annual service packages, or referral incentives.

Even More Opportunities to Use Customer Data

Many businesses overlook geographic data, which can lead to missed opportunities and lower revenue. Our PriMO tool helps you combine geographic and historical data to identify where your marketing efforts will bring the greatest ROI.

Learn more about PriMO and call 919-758-8420 for a free consultation about your marketing strategy. You can also Contact us online to set up an appointment.

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