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Combining Marketing Techniques

Get The Best Results When You Combine Marketing Techniques

  • Peanut butter and jelly.
  • Bacon and eggs.
  • Chips and salsa.

Sure, these things are all great on their own, but together they are a team for the ages.

Combining marketing techniques is no different – except you don’t have to loosen your belt at the end.

Omnichannel marketing is a must, which is why LeadsNearby is proud to offer all-inclusive programs for our clients. Here are 3 examples that combine our marketing techniques to achieve a single campaign goal.

A decorative image featuring a zipper dividing the background into a light blue upper section and a darker blue lower section. The text 'Combining Techniques' is prominently displayed in bold white letters with a yellow shadow. The LeadsNearby logo is on the left side.

Example 1. Combining Techniques For A Seasonal Promotion

Combine social media posts with marketing automation and direct mail.

You’re running a Spring Tune-Up Special. For it to be successful, you need to get the information out in your service area.

Start with organic social media posts. They’re a free way to reach a broad audience quickly and create initial awareness of the promotion.

Next, you want to send a detailed email to your subscriber list highlighting the benefits of the service. With our marketing automation, we can get a detailed message to your list. Include a special appeal to your club members and a call-to-action to book the appointment – which can be done through our V8 Scheduler.

Finally, you can reach potential customers who may not be as active online by sending a postcard directly to their house. This will get you broader audience coverage in your targeted neighborhoods.

Example 2. Techniques To Launch A New Vertical

Combine website content, Google Ads, and text messaging.

You need to let people know that they can hire you for work in your new vertical.

Create a dedicated page on your website detailing the new service. Include benefits, pricing, and other information that matches the way you talk to your customers. This will serve as the central hub for customers to learn more and request service.

Then, run a Google Ads campaign targeting keywords related to the new vertical in your service area. This will direct traffic to the detailed information on your website via a trackable landing page.

Use a tool like our LaunchSMS program to send text messages to your customer database. Announce the new service and include a link to a landing page for more information. Text messages can get you immediate awareness among your customer base.

Example 3. Announce A Referral Program By Combining Marketing Techniques

Social media ads combined with community events and blog posts.

People can’t take advantage of opportunities they don’t know about!

Create targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram promoting the referral program. Include a simple explanation of how to participate in your videos and images.

Roll the program out at a local event. Walk in a parade handing out flyers. Have information available at your booth outside a high school football game. Go anywhere that your potential customers gather and tell them about this new opportunity.

Lastly, publish blogs on your website explaining the referral program, how it works, and highlight any successes you’ve had. The posts should have detailed, evergreen content that can be easily shared and referenced.

Get Combinations On Our Inclusive Plans

These are just a few of the nearly limitless ways to combine marketing techniques. What matters the most is that you are using everything at your disposal to get your message where you need it to go.

Now, you don’t have to focus on your budget. You can focus on growing your business while we focus on the tools it takes to increase your brand awareness.

Call 919-758-8420 anytime or contact us online to see what we can combine for you.

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LeadsNearby provides customized and scalable marketing solutions that drive results for service providers. We work with some of the biggest names in the business and are ready to work with you.

With marketing solutions tailored to your business, our service gives you more opportunities to make money and grow your company. We also help you do business more efficiently with technological integrations that are specific to your industry.
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