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Community Involvement Ideas For Your Home Service Business

Timeless Ideas To Increase Your Profile

Marketing is the process of getting people interested in your company’s product or service. However, people can’t become interested in what they aren’t aware of! That’s why it’s important to come up with new community involvement ideas that can help your business stand out from the rest.

The ideas below are ways to get meaningful interactions with people on a large scale. They don’t need to be followed exactly, but hopefully, they will get you thinking about how to make them work for your home service business.

A decorative image with the text '3 Timeless Community Involvement Ideas for Your Business.' It features a crowd of people standing in front of a silhouette of a town with houses and buildings. The design emphasizes local community engagement for businesses, with the phrase 'LeadsNearby Dominate Locally' at the bottom.

Ideas For My HVAC Business:

  • Local School Partnership: Partner with local schools to create an educational program about HVAC systems, energy efficiency, and environmental impact. This could include demonstrations, career talks, or even hands-on projects for students.
  • Senior Citizen Assistance Program: Offer discounted or free HVAC maintenance for clients with senior parents.

Plumbing Business Ideas:

  • Emergency Plumbing Fund: Establish a fund to assist residents with emergency plumbing repairs. This fund could be supported by community donations, encouraging customers to round up their totals after a service or installation, or a percentage of your business’s profits – ideally all three!
  • Rainwater Harvesting Initiative: Educate the community on rainwater harvesting and offer installation services for rainwater collection systems. This can promote water conservation and provide a sustainable water source for gardening.

Promotions For Electricians:

  • Energy Efficiency Lessons For Schools: Talk to kids about how to reduce energy consumption at home. Electricians can teach about energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and the benefits/drawbacks of smart home technology.
  • Community Light Installation Program: Partner with local neighborhoods to install streetlights or motion-sensor lights in areas lacking proper lighting, enhancing community safety.

Make A Coloring Page For Kids

A coloring page titled 'Power Safety Tips' featuring a cheerful lightbulb character with various safety tips for children. The tips include keeping fingers and toys away from outlets, not using electrical devices near water, and not pulling on cords to unplug. A reminder to always tell an adult if something looks wrong is emphasized at the bottom. The space for a logo is indicated. The design is simple and kid-friendly, encouraging safe behavior around electricity.

A free coloring page focused on safety tips or educational information is great for farmer’s markets and other gatherings. While kids color at your table, you can speak to their parents!

A coloring page only takes a few minutes to create in a program like Canva or Microsoft Office. Just keep it mostly white with some black outlines for the kids to color and make sure to include your name and logo.

It costs very little to make copies of the page and supply some crayons. Plus, if the family hangs it up at home, it’s a phenomenally cheap way to stay on top of a customer’s mind!

The Best Ideas Are A Collaboration

Naturally, you’ll want to customize these ideas to your specific geography and the particulars of your market. These should be enough to get you thinking. Working with our partners is our specialty!

If you feel like your current marketing company is more interested in making deposits than making a difference, then call 919-758-8420 for a free consultation about your marketing strategy – or contact us online .

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