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How Do I Know If LeadsNearby Is The Right Fit For Me?

3 Steps To Finding The Right Marketing Partner

If only everything could be as simple as buying a pair of pants.

Half the time, people don’t even try them on first. You look at the size and get out the money. If they don’t fit, you can return them and you lose almost nothing in the process.

Some things, like choosing a marketing company, are a very high-stakes proposition.

It takes both time and money you’ll never get back to see if an agency is the right fit for you.

Mark Sherwin, President and Co-Founder, is quick to offer insight into our sales process at LeadsNearby. “I tell every single prospect on every call that we’re interviewing them as much as they’re interviewing us.”

Mark says it’s just as important for us to identify whether or not a prospect will make a good client.

Mark admits, “I don’t get it right all the time, but there are things I look for that help me narrow it down.”

Here are 3 ways to know if LeadsNearby is the right fit for you.

A graphic with a blue gradient background featuring bold white text that reads, 'HOW CAN I TELL IF LEADSNEARBY IS THE RIGHT FIT FOR ME?' Below the text is an image of a yellow measuring tape coiled up, symbolizing the concept of 'fit.' At the top center, a small banner reads, 'YOU ASK US. WE ANSWER.' with the LeadsNearby logo in the middle.

1. You’re Looking For A Partner, Not A Vendor

At LeadsNearby, we don’t want to be just another vendor; we’re looking for partnerships.

We’re committed to working closely with our clients, ensuring that there’s a mutual understanding and collaboration. In a successful partnership, you challenge yourself as much as you challenge the other person.

If you believe that your marketing firm should be a “set it and forget it” solution, then LeadsNearby is not going to be the right fit for you.

Our most successful clients, the ones who sing our praises the highest, are those actively involved in their program.

The clients who struggle are often the ones looking for someone to take over completely and hand them success.

2. You Share Similar Values

Every client will find something they identify with that makes them think, “That’s my person.” This connection is usually another way of saying that you feel your values are aligned with this person.

This spark can come from a shared philosophy about big things in life or business practices, but it can also be something unexpected.

“I had a guy say, ‘Beards have to stick together!’ during a sales call,” Mark says through impressive facial hair. “While there was a bit of a laugh in his voice, it illustrates how even the smallest thing can bring two people together.”

Mark’s also had people comment on everything from his Pittsburgh memorabilia behind him on calls to the flag pin on his lapel. Each of these things has been the start of a personal connection to one person or another.

“These moments are vital because they show that we’re more than just a business opportunity; we’re both people. That lets us get to an understanding on a deeper level.”

3. You Can Trust Our Expertise And We Can Trust Yours

As you can see from our blog 3 Common Questions About A Contractor Marketing Agency, our approach is built on trust and authenticity. Once you decide that you want a partner and find something in our interactions that speaks to you, trust is the final ingredient.

Mark says that prospects tend to connect with him because he wears his heart on his sleeve.

“I was on a call recently where someone from the prospect’s office came on camera and introduced herself to me,” Mark says. “She told me that she was listening to the meeting and had to come see the face of the person who was so genuinely passionate about their business.”

These moments of genuine connection and trust are what make our approach to partnerships successful.

LeadsNearby Is Best Working With You – Not For You

You have multiple choices when it comes to marketing firms. At the end of the day, you have to find someone who understands you if you want to be successful. Compatible communication is critical in this relationship.

Mark takes it one step further.

“You want to do business with someone you like. Someone you can root for.”

While our approach may not work for every client, the ones that do partner with us see tremendous benefits.

“I say this over and over: LeadsNearby is not for everybody. However,” Mark promises, “we fight like hell for the people who partner with us.”

Call 919-758-8420 for a free consultation about your marketing strategy – or contact us online .

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