Prioritized Marketing Opportunity (PriMO) Advanced - The Next Evolution
Your Company Data + Our Advanced Algorithm = Success!
PriMO has already shown you a wealth of, well, wealth that’s all around you with its proprietary mix of demographic and geographic data fed into its custom algorithm. You’ve got your list of prioritized marketing opportunities, and you’ve started working on ways to take advantage. What’s next?
We’re glad you asked. PriMO Advanced takes things to the next level. By factoring in your company’s unique data, you can find out what areas offer you the biggest revenue opportunity, which ones aren’t performing, and most importantly the best ones to target to launch your market share into the stratosphere.
Ready to get started?
1. Export a CSV or XLSX file from your CRM software of choice, covering 12 months of your company data. (Make sure to include unique customer identification #, revenue per job & zip code).
2. Fill out the form, upload your document, then click to submit!
3. Our PriMO Advanced process analyzes the data.
4. Once your analysis is ready, we will reach out to set up a consultation with one of our experts to go over your results and forge a plan to help you Dominate Locally!